Saturday, March 13, 2010

Random... *Updated*

*Windows is pissing me off... having to reboot from restore points every other day and worrying whether I've lost all my recent data is eminently frustrating and annoying. Gonna take another run at Linux/Ubuntu - hope is works 'out of the box' with my wireless card now. Been about a year since I last gave it a shot, so here's to hoping. If wireless, my camera and my webcam work, then it's a go. Everything else is negotiable.

*Update* - Ubuntu up and running. Wireless internet works. Skype works. Camera works. Entering the learning curve. Cheers.

*Given the new news that I'm soon to be a permanent world traveler, that Amazon Kindle is tempting as hell. [Mike is a proponent and fan...] If they come out with a color model, that can handle .cbr files, then it's a go. I'd even ignore their evil DRM. Till then though...

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