Sunday, November 29, 2009


Missed 4 days of working out. Every day I didn't it was like - to steal a pop culture term - a splinter in my mind. Two days missed I can chalk up to the soul-sucking, spirit-killing JET Mid-Year Seminar, and its assorted schedule disruptions. Another day I can relegate to my wrist feeling a little tweaky. The 4th day though I was just a lazy bastard. Boo, me. Anyways, back at it today.
AM - Atlas 1 & 6
PM - Atlas III Pushups [1m] - 25
Atlas Situps [3m] - 55
Hindu Pushups [2m] - 20
Hindu Squats [12m] - 216
Hindu Pushups [2m] - 17
Atlas Situps [3m] - 50
Atlas III Pushups [1m] - 15
Chins [1m] - 11
MILO DSR [4m] - 20/15
Bridge - 40 count

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