Friday, March 21, 2008

See, it's stuff like this that makes ya go "hmmmm." News:
"The People (a Mirror sister publication) identified Power, 41, as the psychic on Sunday 9 March, and carried a photograph of him with Karen Matthews. It reported that he had been told by the spirit world that Shannon had got into a car near her school. He gave various details about the car.

...Reporting the safe return of Shannon, The People (16 March) said he came up with vital clues “which could have led to her discovery”. It confirmed he had told the newspaper:

* Shannon knew her abductor, who was a relative possibly named Michael or Paul.
* She had sat on this man’s knee at a family funeral.
* An area named Batley is involved in her disappearance.

Mick Donovan, also known as Paul Drake, was arrested at the address in Batley Carr, Dewsbury, where Shannon was found. He is an uncle of Shannon’s stepfather."

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