Friday, March 21, 2008

SCHP Lcpl Garren - 'Yeah, I hit him. I was trying to hit him.' ...With his patrol car. As the suspect fled on foot.

Just... wow...

Who Needs Tasers? Let's Just Ram Em with Our Patrol Cars - Don't Tase Me, Bro!:
"South Carolina Highway Patrol officers have been caught on dash-cam video hitting African-American suspects with patrol cars, and using a racial epithet during at least one pursuit, a U.S. attorney said...

In one video, dated June 24, 2007, Lance Cpl. Steven Garren strikes a suspect running away during a pursuit at night. The man slides onto the hood of the car before landing on the roadside.

In an exchange with another officer afterward, Garren is heard saying, 'I nailed the f--- out of him. He went flying up into the air.'

Someone is heard asking, 'You hit him?'

Garren responds, 'Yeah, I hit him. I was trying to hit him.'

...In another video, dated April 28, 2007, Lance Cpl. Alexander Richardson chases a suspect through an apartment complex. Richardson drives his car over the sidewalk, across the grass and through a common area as other people scramble to get out of the way."

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