Friday, September 01, 2006

The obvious that, for some reason, escapes the majority.

Kung Fu Monkey: Walrus Magazine: Iran's Quiet Revolution:
"Law of Modern Warfare #001: When you bomb people for their own good, they never, ever get your point in the way you hope.

Bomb Iran, and you unite the entire nation behind the nationalist strongmen who are just waiting for the moment we hand them the rallying cry. We already helped unseat the moderate President with the whole "Axis of Evil" idiocy. This would be the cherry on the Idiot Cake.

...Rember the Soviet Union. Remember East Germany. Let the bosses rot in corruption, keep selling the kids jeans, cell phones and dreams of financial success until those trends collide. I know it doesn't stoke your need for a Grand Metaphor and Engorging Struggle for Liberty, but it's how we win. For chrissake, I'm only asking that you be as internationally engaging as REAGAN. Could you do that? Please?"

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