Sadly, these pics were taken 3 days after my mishap. Gonna take a little time to heal up, methinks.
More conventional folks would say it probably needs stitches [Hi Sandy!] and they wouldn't be wrong, but never a big fan of hospitals - it is where people go to die after all - and besides, the body is designed to heal itself, so... no worries. I'll just keep grittin' my teeth as I splash alcohol on it and wrapping it up with gauze and bandaids.

Frustrating though, in that it'll keep me out of the dojo for a bit... I must have needed a break or something, otherwise, well, it wouldn't ha' happened, now would it?
Gosh, I was only being sarcastic when I told you, "You can't even slice bread."
ReplyDeleteNah, are you alright, man? That looks pretty nasty.