New Age - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
"The following are some common — though by no means universal — beliefs found among New Agers:
# All humanity—indeed all life, everything in the universe—is spiritually interconnected, participating in the same energy. “God” is one name for this energy.
# Spiritual beings (e.g. angels, ascended masters, elementals, ghosts, and/or space aliens) exist, and will guide us, if we open ourselves to their guidance.
# The human mind has deep levels and vast powers, which are capable even of overriding physical reality. “You create your own reality.”
# Nevertheless, this is subject to certain spiritual laws, such as the principle of cause and effect (karma).
# The individual has a purpose here on earth, in the present surroundings, because there is a lesson to learn. The most important lesson is love.
# Death is not the end. There is only life in different forms. What some refer to as an afterlife does not punish us but teaches us, perhaps through the mechanisms of reincarnation or near-death experiences.
# Science and spirituality are ultimately harmonious. New discoveries in science (evolution, quantum mechanics), rightly understood, point to spiritual principles.
# It shares with many major world religions the idea that intuition or "divine guidance" is a more appropriate guide than rationalism, skepticism, or the scientific method. Western science wrongly neglects such things as parapsychology, meditation, and holistic health.
# There exists a mystical core within all religions, Eastern and Western. Dogma and religious identity are not so important.
# The Bible is considered by some, but not all, to be a wise and holy book. Many important truths are found in the Bible, or are referred to only very obliquely...
# Feminine forms of spirituality... are viewed as having been subordinated, masked, or obliterated by patriarchal movements...
# Ancient civilizations such as Atlantis may truly have existed, leaving behind certain relics and monuments (the Great Pyramid, Stonehenge) whose true nature has not been discovered by mainstream historians.
# There are no coincidences (see Synchronicity). Everything around you has spiritual meaning, and spiritual lessons to teach you. You are meant to be here, and are always exactly where you need to be to learn from what confronts you.
# The mind has hidden powers and abilities, which have a spiritual significance. Dreams and psychic experiences are ways in which our souls express themselves.
# A positive attitude supported by affirmations will achieve success in anything.
# Meditation, yoga, t'ai chi ch'üan, and other Eastern practices are valuable and worthwhile.
# The food you eat has an effect on your mind as well as your body. It is generally preferable to eat fresh organic vegetarian food.
# Ultimately every interpersonal relationship has the potential to be a helpful experience in terms of our own growth.
# We learn about ourselves through our relationships with other people by getting to see what we need to work on ourselves and what strengths we bring to the other party in order to help them in their life.
# All our relationships are destined to be repeated until they are healed, if necessary over many lifetimes.
# As Souls seeking wholeness, our goal is eventually to learn to love everyone we come in contact with.
# An appeal to the language of nature and mathematics, as evidenced by numerology in Kabbala, gnosticism etc., to discern the nature of god.
# Certain geographic locations are believed to eminate special energy, which may be male or female in character...
# Rocks and crystals have special psychic energies and can be an aid to meditation and healing."
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