Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Still working on it...

The Lazy Way to Success: Thoughts on Finding One's Calling:
"A calling is not merely a profession or job. That is too superficial a definition. A calling must embody a higher purpose. It must involve service. It is the avenue through which one makes the greatest contribution to everyone else.

As a result, a calling affords an individual the greatest possible growth, success, and happiness.

I believe each of us has a calling and we are all endowed with the necessary talent, creativity, intelligence, and insight to find it and to fulfill it.

Tragically most people don’t even believe they have a calling in life. Instead, most everyone “works for a living,” which really means most everyone “suffers to survive.” People have created an unhappy, unhealthy, and unsuccessful world for themselves. And then they turn around and teach the younger generation this same fruitless pattern of behavior, claiming hard work is a virtue, as if there is some great benefit to suffering.

The solution to finding your calling isn’t complex. It is contained in the answer to this question: What do you give, the giving of which fills you with great happiness?"

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