Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Possible Egyptian origins of Judaism

The Shaman’s Vision » The Anthropik Network:
"Enter Amunhotep III, who upon his ascension embarked on a radical campaign to destroy the Amun priesthood's power. He become a monotheist. Worship of the old gods was proscribed, their names banned, their priesthoods disbanded. Instead, Amunhotep elevated a minor artifact of the Heliopolitan cult of Ra--the sun-disk, or Aten--to the status of 'one true god.'

...This suggests an interesting origin of Judaism in Egyptian religion. It is worth noting that Psalm 104 is nearly identical to Akhenaten's 'Great Hymn to the Aten.' 'Moses' is a popular element in Egyptian names, meaning 'son of,' and is often associated with a god's name, as in 'Ra-moses,' or 'Thoth-moses.' This suggests that Moses may have been involved in Akhenaten's monotheistic revolution, and stricken the 'pagan' element from his name, leaving only 'Moses.' When the Amun priesthood returned to power and began its violent crack-down on the Atenists, Moses would have been wise to flee to the barely-controlled Egyptian frontiers. It is also wise for those under attack by society to band together with others under attack by the same society. There may have been a number of Atenists who looked to Moses for leadership for any number of reasons; Semitic slaves may have been their natural allies. It is curious that Exodus places nearly all of Moses' life in the Sinai peninsula, suggesting that Israel may not have been their originally-intended destination. Sinai, too, would have been on the fringes of the empire. They may have suffered pursuit, there, and then fled north.

There, they would have met David's 'Apiru. David may well have dreamed of making the jump from successful bandit lord, to regional chieftain. That would have meant transforming the 'Apiru into a real society, giving them a sense of unity and purpose. Moses and the exiled Atenists could have provided that. In return for protection and sanctuary, Moses' Egyptian exiles could have provided the 'Apiru with a religion to unite them as 'G-d's chosen people.'

Over time, two foundation myth cycles would have developed: one focused on Moses and their religious foundation, another focused on David and their political foundation. By the time these stories were set down during the Babylonian Exile, both would be sufficiently complete and complex that the authors would have reasonable concluded that they were sequential, rather than contemporaneous."

1 comment:


    Great article. The Moses myth may be indeed based on Akhenaten, that is a good point.

    The Torah (Old Testament, OT) has an Egyptian setting. It is obvious from reading the Torah (OT) itself that its stories are about black people. Its characters, people and places have African names. It is replete with African (especially Egyptian) myths and rituals (such as circumcision). The scribes and their tribe, the early Hebrews/Jews, were thus very familiar with African myths, so were probably African, and therefore black.

    Moshe (anglicized to Moses) was raised by the Pharaoh's daughter as her own, i.e. an Egyptian. Egypt is in Africa. The Egyptians, as is apparent from their own writings, their thick lipped black statues and paintings and a skull analysis of their mummies, were negroid. The writing of Herodotus and Massey confirm this fact. Therefore Moshe, who was not detected as a stranger by anybody for decades and looked just like an Egyptian (Exodus 2:16-2:21), must have looked just like that other Egyptian blacks, a fact apparent from a careful reading of the Torah (OT).

    The Torah (OT) is a "forgery" (See: Joseph McCabe) and "spurious" (--Thomas Paine). That is obvious from book 1, page 1. The Earth is not 4000 years old. Cultures (unknown to the scribes) flourished much before. Written records and archeological evidence using carbon dating show man's presence tens of thousands of years ago, probably over a 100,000 years ago. A million people cannot live in a vast desert (without water or food) in a hostile nation for 40 years---and leave no trace. The documentary hypothesis revealed 4 OT authors and a late composition (around 500 BC, by Ezra) based on extant oral traditions that was projected back in time.

    Moshe (an Egyptian, therefore African and Negro) never existed. His story is copied from the older African myths of Mises (or Sargon). Exile and Exodus never happened. For eg., as stated in "Deconstructing the Walls of Jericho" (by Prof. Ze'ev Herzog of the Dept. of Archaeology, Tel Aviv University):

    "This is what archaeologists have learned from their excavations in the Land of Israel: the Israelites were never in Egypt, did not wander in the desert, did not conquer the land in a military campaign and did not pass it on to the 12 tribes of Israel...."


    Moshe could not have parted the Red Sea, not only because it violates the laws of physics, and there was no Moses, but because there was no Red Sea to cross, since Egypt and Israel have a common land border!

    The Torah (OT) is replete with violence and barbarity. Yahweh and Moshe are mass murderers. "There is no text more barbaric than the Old Testament" (--Sam Harris). The scribes who fabricated the Torah (OT) were thus negro barbarian criminals or "human animals" (--Hitchens) who lied about God and then made up self-serving lies that they are "God's Chosen."
