Sunday, April 11, 2010

A new batch of munchkins - welcoming the new 1st grade class at Jr High.

With the new school year comes a new batch of 1st graders at Jr High.  Japan does ceremony well, with first an official entrance ceremony attended by the parents and teachers of course, but also by folks like the head of the Board of Education and the city mayor.  The next day the new students are welcomed into the school by the 2nd and 3rd graders who introduced themselves to them at assembly.  It's all quite cool, actually.  It's a lot of fun watching the kids go from the senior 6th graders running their respective elementary schools to the unsure and hesitant low-man-on-the-totem-pole.  And add to that all their new and completely oversized school uniforms [that they'll grow into] and they are actually pretty darn adorable.

The band kids warm-up.

Welcome committee.

I'm really kind of annoying with the camera, truth be told.

The midgets prepare for their march in.

A great pic of a buncha kids from my smaller elementary school.  [Thanks Akemi!]

The new first graders meet the senior students the next day...

And are likewise introduced to the teachers and staff...

[What happens when you turn over your camera to a student for assistance.]
 Dig that crazy bow.

*Post assembly awesome 3rd graders*

Finally, a selection of a couple songs the senior students performed to teach to and welcome their new kohai.

Tsuyazaki Jr High - New 1st Grade Class Welcome from Rob Pugh on Vimeo.


  1. Rob,

    I have seen your comments a couple of times on other people's FS blogs and thought they were well thought out and funny, so I decided to check out your blog. My husband is an FSO and we are on our first tour. We are also former JETs (Tokuyama, Yamaguchi-ken 1999-2000). The photos above take me back - indeed the only thing that seems to have changed in the uniforms is the shoes and socks (when we were there it was "loosu sokusu" and "toru shuzu" - that's loose socks and tall shoes for translation : ) ). Anyway, I like your blog - good luck on your impending FS-ness!
    Jodi H.
    (For Lack of Tacos)

  2. Hey Jodi,

    Thanks for the kind words and well wishes...

    Yes, my school does not abide with such laxity as loose socks :)

    See ya around the internets!
