Monday, December 08, 2014


12/8 - press, chins, dips, curls, laterals, shadowbox, stretch.

Just awesome.  Double bodyweight deadlifts and one armed pushups.  Aging is a choice.  This 77-year-old grandma can lift more than you: "Most grandmothers, especially those reaching 80 years of age, can be counted on for cozy hugs, surprise gifts, and gray hair. So you may be surprised when you meet Willie Murphy, a 77-year-old grandmother who can do one-handed push-ups and deadlift 215 pounds. The 105-pound senior started with 5-pound weights a few years ago, after seeing a sign about a weight-lifting competition at her local YMCA. She asked a Y employee if she could participate. "Go for it, granny," he said. She took his advice with a vengeance. In addition to lifting more than twice her weight, Murphy can do one-handed pull-ups, one-handed pushups, fingertip pushups, and the pushups where you put your fingers in diamond formation and press your nose all the way to the floor."  
This 77-year-old grandma can lift more than you: ""They see I'm old and I'm not being pushed around in a wheelchair," she said with a laugh. "I can shovel my own snow. And I can push my car if it gets stuck in the snow... I'm almost 80 years old and I am still living life.""

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