3/3 - coffee, water, milk, Animal Rage, eggs, peanut butter, Monster Milk/Mass, Monster Multi, Animal Flex, bacon, guacamole [avocado, tomato, onion, garlic], beer
3/4 - coffee, water, milk, Animal Rage, eggs, peanut butter, Monster Milk/Mass, Monster Multi, Animal Flex, lobster bisque, baked fish, creamy garlic potatoes
3/5 - coffee, water, milk, Animal Rage, eggs, peanut butter, Monster Milk/Mass, Monster Multi, Animal Flex, bacon, cheddar cheese, salsa
3/6 - coffee, water, milk, Animal Rage, coconut oil, bacon, black olives, mozzarella cheese, pork chops
3/7 - coffee, coconut oil, water, Animal Rage, eggs, peanut butter, milk, Monster Milk/Mass, Monster Multi, Animal Flex, Thai dinner/not pictured - crab omelette, salted fried chicken, oysters, beer, taro w/coconut, fried peaches, chocolate
3/8 - coffee, milk, water, milk, Monster Milk/Mass, bacon cheeseburger, fries, Coke Zero, chicken strips, beer
3/9 - coffee, milk, water, bacon, protein pancakes [egg, banana, protein powder, milk, peanut butter], pancakes, butter, syrup
*cooking oils* - butter, bacon fat

These actually look pretty solid. A couple packs of these would make a great snack. Oscar Mayer P3:
"Before there were powders, bars, and goos, there was meat, cheese, and nuts. Introducing the P3 Portable Protein Pack. It’s not rocket science. It’s not even Chemistry 101. It’s just 13 grams of protein from food, proven effective by thousands of years of human existence."
"In a world filled with fads it's nice to get back to basics. New P3 Portable Protein Pack is 13 grams of serious protein without taking itself too seriously."
"I do not care for anything intoxicating (hard liquor), but do enjoy a beer or some wine on occasion. I never touch tea or coffee. I eat “plain”, wholesome food for the most part, but do “indulge” on occasion. I have my meals at regular intervals, and prefer simple foods that are easy to digest. I chew my food well and believe strongly that mastication is a key to good health. Eugen Sandow was a proponent of raw eggs and meat: "The old nonsense on this subject, about raw eggs and underdone meat, seems to be passing away, and more rational views now prevail."
"The Saxon brothers were well-known for their group strength performances... For breakfast they ate 24 eggs and 3 pounds of smoked bacon; porridge with cream, honey, marmalade and tea with plenty of sugar. At three o’clock they had dinner: ten pounds of meat was consumed with vegetables (but not much potatoes); sweet fruits, raw or cooked, sweet cakes, salads, sweet puddings, cocoa and whipped cream and very sweet tea. Supper, after the show, they had cold meat, smoked fish, much butter, cheese and beer. Following this they had a chat and at one o’clock went to bed... The Saxons did have a “health drink” which I presume they concocted themselves. The ingredients were dark lager beer (or Dublin stout) mixed with Holland gin, the yolk of an egg and plenty of sugar. “It is a very good but strong drink” was the Saxon opinion, “but, if you are not used to it you will get dizzy very quickly.” It seems to me that one would have to be a very strong man in the first place, in order to drink it.""
"Goerner is firmly convinced that a mixed diet is the best for a strong man, with emphasis laid on eating good meals with the accent on meat! He is particularly partial to pork and beef and also wurst-German sausage meat. Vegetables also, together with potatoes, but not overdoing the latter. He is very fond of nuts -particularly walnuts-and all fruits: apples especially, which he thinks every strong man should eat, as well as oranges and other citrus fruits. Cheese and eggs also figure in his diet, but he does not care for rich pastries nor does he drink milk in any quantity. As regards to drinking, he drinks beer, but only moderately — seldom touches spirits."
"Known as Britain’s Strongest Man, Edward Aston was a big meat eater–particularly, beef. He also suggests foods such as eggs, fish, rice and milk. He was a proponent of proper digestion and was against over-eating."
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