Wednesday, February 20, 2013


2/20 - P90X2 D10 Recovery & Mobility -- chins/dips superset 2x10 -- pullups 3x8 -- band pullapart series x10 -- burpees [making up since Sat] 15x10

ChAoS & PAIN: Self Assessments- Retarded In The Workplace, But CROOSH In The Gym: "I am unaware of the existence of any human being who has amounted to anything worth talking about from just having followed orders, be it in the gym, on the battlefield, or in the workplace. Free thought and the desire to individualize one's actions and persona should be held as dearly to you as your girlfriend hold her pocket rocket or rabbit- you should be screaming and foaming at the mouth while raining down blows on anyone who would have the audacity to strip them from you. 

...the only way you're wasting your time in the gym is if you're not exerting yourself. Any workout at all done with the requisite effort is far superior to what most assholes do- print out a program and then phone in all of their workouts, as they've not actually considered the whys and wherefores of the program. Before you call bullshit and claim you know people who try hard and achieve no results, I will tell you unequivocally that that's not possible, and even a shitty workout regime done enthusiastically over time will yield heaps more benefits than a "great" program, simply because the lifter in the shitty program will, if they stick with it, eventually develop the ability to program for themselves. At some point, they'll have tried everything under the sun, they'll certainly know what won't work, and they'll likely have a lot of insight into what does work. Additionally, they'll know what their repetition/set sweet spot is (I'll cover this later), which is invaluable knowledge. Thus, their time has not been wasted- it's been wholly consumed with research, rather than development."

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