Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Perfection: Comedian Steve Hughes on Being Offended.

"He called me an idiot."
"Don't worry about it. He's a dick."

"You're not morally superior, you're just gullible and conformist.

Remember in the old days before "Health and Safety" - remember when it was called 'common sense?'

"Health and Safety" - which is a small oppression of our physical movements so we can't do anything without permission from the State. And "Political Correctness" - oppression of our intellectual movement so no one says anything anymore in case someone gets offended. 
"What happens if you say that and someone gets offended?"  
Well they can be offended... What's wrong with being offended?

So what, be offended, nothing happens. You're an adult grow up, deal with it. 
"I was offended."
I don't care.

"I want to live in a democracy but I don't want to ever be offended again."
Well, you're an idiot."

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