Sunday, June 26, 2011


6/26 - P90X D70 - Abs - Yoga/Tony Horton One-On-One 'Patience Hummingbird' Routine
6/25 - P90X D69 - Kenpo X
6/24 - P90X D68 - Legs & Back - Abs - 15m Run
6/23 - P90X D67 - Rest/Free/Off
6/22 - P90X D66 - Back & Biceps
6/21 - P90X D65 - Plyometrics
6/20 - P90X D64 - Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
*Missed one Ab workout this week

So. Much. This.

This too.


  1. You would call it beautiful?????

  2. I don't know what you're asking there, stranger, by "it"? If you mean the women, certainly. Moreso their obvious dedication and passion for fitness. Most beautiful, the thoughts expressed in script on the poster and shirt. Choice is all.
