Thursday, February 17, 2011


WC - 48 chins, pushups, lunges
Rutten MMA wkout - 10x2m rounds - boxing
Hindu pushups/squats/bridge

Simplefit L3W2 + WC - 5 rounds for time - 3 chins/10 pushups/16 prisoner squats - 254s [level up] + 47 lunges, 32 chins
Rutten MMA wkout - 3x3m rounds - thai boxing

WC - 46 chins, pushups, lunges
Rutten MMA wkout - 10x2m rounds - boxing

Simplefit L3W1 + WC - max rounds/20m - 2 chins/3 pushups/5 prisoner squats - 25 rounds + 45 lunges
Neck nods/rotations, hip thrusts, shoulder dislocates, facepulls, chestpulls, grip, hyperxtensions

Well, missed my first wkouts of 2011. After effects of over indulgence on last Thursday cost me Friday, and then Sat/Sun as I worked through my standard "oh, I've blown it all, what's the point, I'll eat a carton of doughnuts and drink a quart of rum" mentality/nonsense. Back on point now. Onwards.

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