Sunday, July 19, 2009

On Neckties.

Dollhouse - [Joss Whedon is godly]
Boyd: ...There's nothing real about it, they're programmed.

Topher: Does that tie keep you warm?

Boyd: What? No.

Topher: No. It's just what "grownup" men do in our culture. They put a piece of cloth around their necks so they can assert their status and recognize each other as non-threatening kindred.

Boyd: So, what is this? The Sixties? Are we going to burn our draft cards?

Topher: You wear the tie because it never occurred to you not to. You eat eggs every morning, but never at night. You feel excitement and companionship when rich men you've never met put a ball through a net. You feel guilty, maybe a little suspicious every time you see that Salvation Army Santa. You look down for at least half a second if a woman leans forward. And your stomach rumbles every time you drive by a big golden arch. Even if you weren't hungry before. Everybody's programmed, Boyd.

Boyd: Damn. You really spend some time on your self justification.

Topher: Not the case. I don't care. This is an awesome gig. This is cutting edge science in a house full of hot chicks. Morality is programming too.

Joe Rogan -
" don't want to be Dr Phil. Trust me. You don't want to be a guy just bullshittin' the world. 'Look at me. My tie is in place. I am wearing a business suit. It's my chosen attire because I am a business man. I'm all business. I'm not wild. I don't go crazy. See the bottom of my shoes? They are slippery and I ain't running after nobody...'"

If I never wear one of these conformist, useless, limply phallic leashes for business-types ever again, I'd be content.

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