"While the knockout was painful, what was even worse was the crash, re-injuring an already existing back condition, a degenerative disc that led to two vertebrae grinding against each other, causing constant pain. It was so bad that he couldn't lean over into the sink in the morning to wash his face, so bad he couldn't lift up or carry his daughter around.
The resulting operation was a major decision, one he waited several months to make until all the test results and diagnoses concluded that this was the best course of action, even if there was the possibility that he might never fight again.
'I believe with hard work, anything's possible,' Quarry says. 'What I've noticed so often is that people accept the fates they've been given. They're told by a doctor that they'll never walk again, be healthy again, so they believe that and accept it. In their mind, they say, 'this is my lot in life. This is the way it's going to be.' But I'm not that way. I've spent my entire life becoming that which I was never meant to be. I thought, I'm going to continue living my life the best way I know how and I'll get where I want to be.'
The injury that could've ended his career has slowed him down, but hasn't stopped him. Three weeks after the surgery, he was hiking in the Nevada mountains. Six months after, he was training full speed. He feels his"
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