Thursday, November 16, 2006

I am Willow.

However, this does not mean I'm a big girl, dammit.


Willow Rosenberg

45% amorality, 63% passion, 72% spirituality, 27% selflessness

Likely you're stronger on the inside than most people would give you credit for: like Willow, you're a decent person with both passions and a spiritual side, sometimes struggling for control.

Willow is one of the most beloved characters in the Buffy universe.


  1. Xander Harris
    36% amorality, 63% passion, 54% spirituality, 72% selflessness
    Xander. Loyal, brave, true and passionate. Perhaps the best friend a person could have, always willing to jump into the frey to help out his buddies.

    Also, one of the most popular characters in the Buffy universe.


    If you enjoyed this test, I would love the feedback! Also, you might want to check out some of my other tests if you're interested in the following:

  2. I was for sure I was Angel.

    Xander Harris
    27% amorality, 63% passion, 63% spirituality, 81% selflessness
    Xander. Loyal, brave, true and passionate. Perhaps the best friend a person could have, always willing to jump into the frey to help out his buddies.

    Also, one of the most popular characters in the Buffy universe.

  3. How funny, I'm Tara to Rob's it truly meant to be? :) Before I took the test, I thought it would be funny if I came up Tara...

    Tara Maclay
    18% amorality, 36% passion, 63% spirituality, 54% selflessness

    What a woman! (Or man, as it may be...)

    Tara is a moral, centered, spiritual and selfless person... rather, I suspect, like you. People like this make those around them love them.

    Congratulations! (and stay away from windows, just in case)
