Sunday, July 23, 2006

Attitude is All

The Lazy Way to Success: Dealing with Obstacles, Setbacks, Failures, and Three-Putts:
...John used to get supremely angry when cars would not stop and he’d curse them as they passed. I, on the other hand, had developed a highly successful hitching technique. I’d open my heart and love each car and its occupants no matter if they passed us by or not. With this technique I scored most of our rides. I tried to teach John my technique but he preferred his bile.

If ever we got stuck at some place, instead of getting impatient, I always felt that there was something in that place that Nature wanted me to learn or appreciate or someone she wanted me to meet before she would get us our ride out. That being the case, I never felt that we were in danger of being stranded. I’d look for the beauty or the lesson of that place...

...To me there is no such thing as an obstacle or a setback or a failure. Those things are just Nature’s traffic signs letting me know that there is something right there and then that is important to be learned or appreciated before the next step can be taken.

Sometimes, by taking the time to look, a greater success can be found in a failure than if you actually achieved that which you were originally aiming at. You just have to stop and check out the so-called failure from a different angle."

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