It still strikes me as oddly pleasant, when I feel completely different from all other folks around me, to find somebody else articulate exactly how I feel. It's actually quite nice.
Go read the full post for further discourse on Bill Clinton's penis being controlled by Satan and other fascinating insights.
"'They dont want you saying hell anymore.'
That was one of the producers of Fear Factor delivering to me the word from up high on NBC that they were getting a lot of complaints from the bible bangers out in TV viewer-land about me saying Lets get the hell out of here at the end of some stunts.
Now, when they first told me that I had to stop saying the word hell, I really thought it was just a joke. The producers of the show are a bunch of fun people to work with, and they kid around all the time, but I could tell after a few minutes of talking about it that they were actually serious.
Thats all I could say. Hell is a bad word? I just couldnt believe that the resistance to retarded influence is so weak that theyre willing to listen to the complaints of people that believe that the word hell is a bad thing to say.
Fucking fascinating.
The lowest possible rung of the bad word ladder that describes a fantasyland where the devil lives. Thats being censored In 2006, with the internet and everything.
Holy. Fucking. Shit.
...Ive had people get pissed at me for saying that I dont believe in organized religion, and Ive always found that hilarious.
Ive never said that theres no god, and I dont even pretend that Im smart enough, nor blessed with enough data to even begin to answer that question. You would never see me saying that theres no god, because theres no fucking way I could possibly know. [See, that right there? Whole reason I'm agnostic... - Rob] One thing I do know though, is that people are tremendous liars even today with the all the access to information that we have now, can you imagine how full of shit they were 3,000 years ago
The crazy thing to me about religion is that to the people that are following religion, it is THE answer. Just follow the directions, and there you go. Life and death and all its meaning spelled out for you.
Whats really fascinating about that to me, is that it really outlines this insatiable need for the truth that we all seem to have. No matter what culture youre from, no matter what part of the world, the people are asking questions about what the fuck this is all about, and everywhere thats happening, theres a set of directions that someone has created for you to follow. Theyre all different, and theyre all convinced that theyve got the real shit.
Isnt that fact alone amazing?
They all have different stories, and they all have a different depiction of creation.
The point is, people have always been asking questions about the meaning of life, and the only way for their evolving minds to be able to relax with even a tiny fraction of the truth about the great mystery of life and the cosmos, is to let them know that the big daddy in the sky is going to make it all nice-nice. Keep pumping out those babies, keep showing up for work. Everythings gonna be alright."
Too funny. Actually, Jesus mentions hell a few times in the Bible. It's a place He definitely doesn't want people to go.