Probably the first time I miss living right 'round DC.
Scipio gives an entertaining play by play of the the event, but the pull quote was from this bit by Denny O'Neil, classic Batman writer, and writer of one of the seminal series in my own personal "path", his late 80's series The Question.
The Absodennyrbascon: Smithsonian Panel, reviewed:
"Denny O'Neill (charmingly self-deprecating): 'Back when I was first working in comic books, the public considered us only half a step up from pornographers--'
Tom DeFalco (interrupting so as to steal the limelight with a lame joke, just as I'd expect a Marvel writer to do): 'You mean half a step below!'
'Well,' Denny immediately replied, casually withering in the superiority of his grise-y eminence: 'Maybe at Marvel.'"
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