Sunday, February 24, 2008

I'm not a teacher, but I play one in Japan.

If you've ever wondered what I actually do in Japan, or what the JET Programme is about, practically speaking, here you go. At least the particular variation of it that manifests in my life, anyways.

Last week I had an open class at one of my elementary schools, with observers from the city board of education and all the various elementary and jr high schools in the city. Went pretty well, but the kids were a little shyer than normal, what with the folks watching.

Anyways, here's a 45 minute class, edited down to about 15 minutes. My first time ever playing with Windows Movie Maker and putting together clips or a "movie"... Scorcese has nothing to worry about from me, clearly.

Much thanks to Kathy for shooting the vid [and taking the pic.]
Lesson Plan 授業計画
5-10 Minutes 5-10分
Greeting (挨拶)
'How are you?' Review - Whiteboard/Read/Repeat, Card Passing Game
復習: ”元気ですか?” - ホワイトボード・読む・くり返す、カード回すゲーム
10-15 Minutes 10-15分
Line Game Card Review - Colors/Weather/Animals/Places
復習: ラインゲーム - 色・天気・動物・場所
Karuta Review - Places
復習: かるた - 場所
10-15 Minutes 10-15分
New Practice
'When is your birthday?' - Worksheet/Whiteboard
”あなたの誕生日はいつですか?” - プリント・ホワイトボード
Months, Numbers 1-31
Read/Repeat, Line Game, Card Pass Game
5-10 Minutes 5-10分
Word Search - Months
ワードサーチ - 月


  1. This is so cool. I don't usually get to see other JETs in action, and certainly not in other non-HS work environment. Awesome and high energy. I wish my kids would volunteer like yours. I also notice that you too use the ubiquitous pin-pon OX buzzer, though it gets a much more thorough workout in your class.

    The only sad thing is that what you're teaching isn't all that different from what I'm teaching at the beginning of the year to my first years... But unlike your kids, mine are just apathetic.

    Still, it'll make some ALTs happier 3-4 years down the line, with your kids having had such an good ALT/English learning experience.


  2. Thanks Mike, I appreciate that!

  3. Go go Rob sensei!

  4. It`s Kathy btw, for some reason all the other options give me errors =)
