Sunday, April 18, 2010

The only thing dumber than EULAs are the legal disclaimers you see on the end of some emails.

Video-game shoppers surrender their immortal souls - Boing Boing:
"On April Fool's day, the online game store added language to its clickthrough license that asked customers to surrender their immortal souls, though it offered a checkbox to opt out if you wanted to keep yours. 7,500 customers did not check the box.

...I'm guessing that a small minority of the customers didn't check the box because they knew it was all a gag, but I believe the majority didn't check it off because they didn't read the agreement. No one reads the agreements.

Because they aren't agreements. The legal fiction that you can create agreement merely by throwing tens of thousands of words' worth of arcane legalese at a customer does incredible violence to the noble institution of agreement. It's truly a plague of idiocy."

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