Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving all...

Sandy whipped up quite a tasty Thanksgiving day assembly of food. It was all quite good. She even made a turkey in our tiny little oven, for her official "Thanksgiving feelings" and all, even though she's gotta eat it all by herself, since I'm on the veggie kick.

Sandy was most proud, and rightfully so, of her pumpkin pie.
Good... and good for you.

Why Sandy insisted on taking a picture of me, complete with sallow, flu/cold affected complexion - who's germs and sniffles and sneezing I've passed on to Sandy [sorry kid] - is really quite beyond me.
Something about showing the world how much I love mashed potatoes or something.
I do enjoy a good plate of mashed potatoes though.

Boy, I just look sad and sick, don't I?
I could blame it on being forced to sit through the annual airing of "The Sound of Music" but the picture actually precedes the presentation of that Thanksgiving holiday classic.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. (I did something to remove the comment--oops!)

    I hope you are feeling better, brah!

    That plate of mashed potatoes needs some slices of turkey and lots and lots and lots of gravy!

    You know I have seen every part of the Sound of music, but have not seen it from beginning to end. I have always fell asleep somewhere in the movie. Go figure?

  3. I watched it last week w/ some friends, too! :)

    Tip from me to you:
    Next time you watch it, do what I did. Get some friends over (well sandy in your case really...) and take a swig of some alcohol refreshment everytime you hear the word "fraulein". Not shots! You'll be out in minutes. Just nice swigs. I was feeling fine AND beer goggles set in... Grrr..Rolf...Grr...
