Thursday, May 15, 2014

"Now I'll be unstopp-"

"What is it about the basics of human happiness, feeling attractive, feeling loved, having guys chase after us, that’s just not in the cards for us? 
To ask is to answer. Romantic attraction is biological, which is ultimately genetic, which means it is unalterable by weepy protests to the contrary...
 In this putatively “groundbreaking” Louis CK scene that... defies the mirror, Louis is no more a jerk than is any woman who turns down a man for insufficiently meeting her attractiveness criteria. But since the lamentable is a fat chick instead of an awkward beta male it’s socially acceptable to sympathize with her loser pain and revile the man who presumptuously clings to his outmoded sexual preference."

All the feels, and still...  Can The Agents of SHIELD Stand For Protecting People Ever Again?:
 "Fitz :( 90 Feet under water, lets Simmons know he'd sacrifice himself for her, AND SHE STILL CAN'T MANAGE TO KISS HIM ON THE MOUTH. Let's have a moment of silence for our comrade in the friendzone."

"When Agents of SHIELD started, the pitch in the first episode was that the world has gotten more dangerous after The Avengers — and now we have to keep people safe, by hiding all the alien technology and superpowered people away. But that, too, gets turned on its head in this episode by Ian Quinn, who tells the army brass that the world has become a dangerous place and what we need is security. (In other words, unstoppable remote-controlled super-soldiers.)
The ideals of SHIELD are so easily turned upside down into an excuse for power-madness and paranoia that it's hard to see how the organization can even exist as something positive any more. And yet, this episode ends with Nick Fury making Phil Coulson the new director of SHIELD and ordering him to rebuild it from scratch.

In the end, Coulson finally gets to bitch Fury out about bringing him back from the dead. Coulson says the TAHITI thing was a "hail mary" in case an Avenger died — and Fury says an Avenger did die.

And Fury only has a handful of people he trusts, a smaller number all the time — so he needs Coulson alive. Especially now that SHIELD is gone and Fury needs someone to rebuild it.
Nick Fury suggests that knowing who you can count on — figuring out the people you can actually trust, and keeping those people around — is what saves SHIELD from turning into Garrett's nightmare."

"AGENT. COULSON. IS. AN. AVENGER. IT IS CANON. CAN'T TAKE IT BACK! That look on Coulson's face when Fury said "Exactly." So well done. I felt the same way. That gun. That DESTROYER GUN. I feel like this entire episode was leading up to that point. "I know what it does." "I found it!" is right up there with "Large file transfer." 

HEALTHYLICIOUS LIVING: "bmwiid: Stop trying to make ‘Fetch’ happen"

"If you saw this weekend's Game of Thrones, you saw the episode close with one of the best, bitterest, and most badass speeches ever made on the show, by Tyrion Lannister, to his shitty family and all the assholes of King's Landing. I did not think this scene could be any better. And then I saw this video."

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