Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Training - "Don't Complain."

1/16 - compression flossing/elbow, bench, P90X3M D4 The Challenge, foam rolling/SMR/stretching

1/15 - bb curls, shadowboxing/Bas Rutten MMA Workout/boxing 10x2min, P90X3M D3 X3 Yoga, compression flossing/elbow, tv watching/foam rolling & stretching

"Everything in life is a process: Started at 114lbs depressed and skinny fat, bulked to 145lbs 16-17% body fat and now 132lbs 12% body fat! You cannot think you’ll change in a matter of weeks, it took me a year to gain enough mass and build muscle naturally to shred and transform my body! There’s no magic pill, no way around it. You cannot pull the string in different directions and expect to see results."

"I’ve answered this before, and it can get really long. The really short version is: You can’t just “diet” or “work out.” You have to change your lifestyle. You have to change your relationship with food. Eat only healthy foods, in moderate amounts (eat a normal 3 meals a day, but don’t put something in your mouth just because you’re hungry in the middle of the afternoon).

You have to exercise for REAL. Not “oh I walked a mile today.” You have to lift heavy weights until your muscles stop working. You have to run/bike/swim/stairs until you’re covered in sweat and gasping for breath. You have to get your heartbeat up to 60% of max or higher and keep it there. And you have to do all that all the time. For a year or more. It doesn’t actually take a lot of time or money. And it’s not terribly complicated - if you follow good guidelines you don’t need to get all crazy with tracking every last thing. But it does take a lot of effort and perseverance!"

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