
Wednesday, November 09, 2005

"Create something better"

Noble Realms: Alternative “News” Sites, or, How to herd a very large group of people onto the worst probable future timeline:
"Many people reading this are probably very familiar with alternative news sites such as Jeff Rense, Alex Jones, the David Icke headlines page, Signs of the Times, What Really Happened, etc. and so on. These websites keep close tabs on what’s supposedly really transpiring in our world, the stories that the mainstream media is either reluctant to report, or flat out won’t touch with a ten foot pole.

At some point, I avidly followed all of the above mentioned sites, as well as a few others... Every day I was visiting the alternative news media headlines pages, absorbing all the conspiracy headline stories. My bookshelves filled with the new books I was buying on all these subjects. I had binders filled with all the articles I’d printed out. My mind was like a sponge, and I couldn’t get enough.

The negative aspect of it all didn’t register right away. The Rense site was by far the worst for me, always packing a huge punch in the gut with stories I could do nothing about. Injustice to people and innocent animals, environmental destruction and annihilation, happening all around the world, every day. More corrupt politicians, lying. More of the illusion, going up in flames right in front of our faces. Each travesty would generate an intense emotional reaction within me from where I sat in front of my computer, helpless to stop any of it. But at least I was being informed. I was aware of the truth. I was not the blissfully ignorant mass public in the sheep pen. . . and ultimately, that’s all that mattered, right? Never mind the negativity!

...For some people though, they never know when to quit. They’re currently having their mental breakdown with this material. . . but keep going with it, and going, and going and going. They post on message boards, full of anger and rage about this country’s situation, and the way the world is going up in flames. Everything is wrong and ugly to them, everybody is corrupt, we’re all going to hell in a hand basket. There’s no hope. different from their “enemies”, the mainstream media. One is supposedly feeding us lies, and one is supposedly giving us the truth, but when they’re both intensely negative and serve the same... fear-frequency purpose, then really, what’s the difference?

...There’s yet another conspiracy story about the NWO, the internment camps, the roundups, the “red and blue list”. Which list will YOU be on, hm? Do they already know about you? Are they monitoring your phone calls and emails? Keeping tabs on which websites you visit, which message boards you post to? There’s another story about foreign militias training on U.S. soil, preparing to take us over. Another story about the boxcars and checkpoints fashioned out of former toll booths in the New Mexican desert. More stories about micro chipping, and how eventually, we will all be forced to take the chip, or else. More stories about the sinister purposes of chemtrails, designed to annihilate half the world’s population. Get rid of the peasants you know, so the world’s elite can have the planet all to themselves. More stories about man made laboratory biowarfare, released onto the helpless population.

And there’s nothing you can do about ANY of it. It’s all bigger than you, out of your hands, and you are a helpless bit of cattle property, at the mercy of everything and anything that’s bigger and badder than you in this world. They can kill you, maim you, and make you sick if you want…

…or, so these stories would like you to subtly believe.

When you’re reading this stuff, what eventually happens?

You begin to absorb that covert message just outlined above, the one about being a powerless, helpless victim at the mercy of everything bigger than you. And more importantly, you begin to envision these scenarios as your future. In fact, you spend an awful lot of time envisioning this particular doomsday scenario NWO take-over, half the world decimated by Bird Flu H5N1 / human flu / SARS / West Nile Virus / epidemic of the moment fill in the blank, future that these websites keep feeding us. Every day you’re reading it, and in doing so, you’re programming your mind to accept this as reality. . . the only reality. . . that lies in store for us. These websites constantly churn out the same horrific doomsday scenario future headlines day after day after day after day, under the guise of revealing the truth, getting us informed, etc. . . . but what they’re also covertly accomplishing is a form of mind control programming. The very thing they rail against, ironically enough. Kind of poetic when you think about it.

Don’t get me wrong – these stories do have legitimacy, in my opinion. Many of what these websites are reporting is happening, or at least, is the intended plan of some nefarious groups that run things on this planet. And it’s good to be informed, and many of us need these stories to help catalyze us into “waking up from the illusion.” But the fact is, what these news sites and conspiracy authors either don’t know or purposely don’t tell us is that:

1.The future is not set in stone. Time is not linear, which means there are multi probable timelines out there where we could wind up;

2.There are still way too many variables to factor into the equation, which can – and will – prevent many of these things from ever happening on certain timelines, and. . .

3.. . . the fact that there are various probable timelines to choose from means you don’t have to wind up on the negative doomsday timeline being fed to us.

Just because they tell us something, doesn’t mean that’s how it has to go. Remember that. And just because they’re giving us the “truth” that the mainstream media won’t talk about doesn’t mean we’re getting the entire “Bigger Picture.” The one thing that most of these news sites and conpiracy doomsday authors lack is the spiritual bigger picture.

Something that needs to be emphasized here, and which more people need to realize, is that we have a say in everything that happens to us, and we can control our own future... It’s the very thing that “The Powers That Be” have continually tried to hide from us and prevent us from knowing. Everything about mainstream society is designed to disempower us at every turn. The rules, laws, authority, control, religion, school, mainstream health practices, everything, it’s all about taking away our personal power and trying to prevent the majority from ever learning the truth: That we have the ability to manifest what we need, heal and cure ourselves from ailments, and, through thoughts, personal frequency and intent, can affect which probable future timeline we wind up on, based on where we choose to align ourselves.

...If you choose to inundate yourself with fear-based, anxiety generating, doomsday scenario gloom and doom material, you’re putting your focus on that, and are inadvertently aligning yourself to it. As a result, you just may wind up in that future.

If, on the other hand, you declare, “No. I don’t want that,” and begin forging a new path for yourself, then you’ll most likely find yourself in a much better future than you would have otherwise. Forging a new path requires making a conscious effort to align to a new way of being and move on to the next level. So once this material has shown you what’s really happening out there in the world, versus what the mainstream media feeds us, recognize when it has served its purpose and use the information to help you get to the next level. What good is the material after all, if you don’t put it to use and do something with what you know? You don’t want to stagnate, going in endless circles. You want to move forward, and make progress. You want to search for solutions, and create a better way.

So what is this next level I keep mentioning?

It goes by many names, and there are many beliefs surrounding what “the next level” is beyond the 3rd density illusion, but whatever you believe, or choose to call it, it does exist. “Spiraling Out.” “The shift to 4th density.” “Personal freedom”, in the vain of the Toltec warrior’s path. Merging with your Higher Self – my personal favorite! :)

It’s not everybody’s destiny to strive for it; for many, they will be content to just live out their lives and die, which is fine. But for others, that’s not enough. They know they can achieve more, and that there’s something else out there beyond all of this, a better way to be than what we’re all shown in the mainstream world.

Keep in mind too that turning your back on the doomsday scenario material to strive for the next level doesn’t mean burying your head in the sand. This may be a common misconception for many reading this, that I’m possibly advocating being ignorant and covering your eyes and plugging your ears and saying “lalala! I can’t hear you! I don’t see you!” It’s not willful ignorance – it’s about a conscious choice. It’s about directing your intent for where you’d like to wind up, and what sort of future you’d like for yourself.

...Like I’ve written before, whenever we’re given two choices in life, it always means there is a third, or more, choice that we are not being shown. It’s never black and white, yes and no, good and bad, liberal or conservative, and so on. If you mistakenly believe that it’s a choice between the negative doomsday “truth” or blissful sheep pen ignorance, realize that it’s about neither. It’s about awareness, and using what you’ve learned and know to create something better."

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