
Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Attitude 101

Noble Realms: Ad Astra Per Aspera:
"It is easy to get frustrated at certain people’s utter lack of awareness, level of complacency, and gullibility concerning the lies propagated through media and public education. Of these, a majority appear to be as conscious as rocks and are entirely deaf to reason. At least half the planetary population falls into this category. They will never awaken because there is nothing within them to awaken.

Some of us have been naive in thinking that anyone can be “shown the light” if only given the right opportunities.

The fact of the matter is that there are those who have a potential affinity for truth and those who do not. Meeting resistance and ridicule from the latter will only be discouraging if one falsely assumes such ignorance is characteristic of all people. One can quickly become cynical this way.

But now is not the time for cynicism. We have entered a critical phase of the end game where attitude is everything. To banish cynicism and frustration, turn your attention away from the dead and give your energy to the living. Cursing the darkness is less productive than lighting a candle. Which you prefer defines your attitude.

What is your attitude toward hardship? Does it bring out fear, victimization, hatred, despair, complacency? Or does it strengthen your resolve to break through the barrier into a better reality?

...Whether this journey is an exciting adventure or a death march is up to you and depends entirely upon your attitude. Hold on to the heaven within and you will get there. Succumb to hell within and you will stay there."

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