
Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Find the others...

Noble Realms: Leaving the Baggage at the Curb:
"Many people involved in researching the “woo woo” topics are leading two lives – they have their mainstream “normal” friends, family and significant others, and then they have their conspiracy / metaphysical research and email / message board buddies on the side. And ne’er the two shall meet.

Some people can co-exist comfortably with a foot in both doors; others however, cannot. Spending time with friends and family who are fully inserted into “the matrix” as it can be called, becomes a tedious, mind numbing energy draining distraction for many. When you’re aware of higher truths, how do reconcile discussing sports scores, television shows, petty gossip and the latest hot and trendy vehicle to trade in the lease for? A lot of people will suffer through “matrix” conversation of this type though, while secretly feeling like they just want to go and bang their head against a wall!"

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