
Friday, June 16, 2017

"You grew up in freedom and you can spit on freedom because you don’t know what it is not to have freedom."

Ayaan Hirsi Ali:  I think that its highly exaggerated that Muslims in America, in the west are  under siege.  If that were the case, we know of groups in history who were  under siege and what they usually do is leave.  I don’t see any American Muslims leaving and going back to any Muslim country. 
 Avi Lewis: Your faith in American Democracy is delightful. Ayaan Hirsi Ali:  Its the best Democracy.  Its the best place to be. 

 Avi Lewis: Tell that to people that believe there have been a couple of stolen elections.  That Democracy is completely broken. 

 Ayaan Hirsi Ali:  I do tell them.   You shouldn’t have stood by and watch for the Democracy to be stolen.  My point not so much that when the Democrats are in office everyone is happy or when the Republicans are in office,  everything is bad.  Its that both Republicans and Democrats and the majority of Americans fortunately, feel that they can run for office, they can get power. . . 

 Avi Lewis: As long as you’re staggeringly rich.  Totally connected and the pockets of your donors, you can do anything you want in America. 

 Ayaan Hirsi Ali:  In America you can come with no penny, nothing, no money and you can become very wealthy. . . 

 Avi Lewis: Is there a school that teaches you American cliches?  Is it part of your application process that you have to –  I’m so upset that I’m losing my cards here.  I can’t believe you just said that. 

 Ayaan Hirsi Ali:  I’ve read Alex De Toqueville and I’ve read about Democracy and lived in countries have no Democracy – that have no founding fathers, that could not, have not invented, could not resolve. . .  and so I don’t find myself in the same luxury you do.  You grew up in freedom and you can spit on freedom because you don’t know what it is not to have freedom.  I haven’t.  I know that there are many things wrong with America.  And I know that there are many things wrong with Americans, but I still believe that its the best nation in the world. 

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