
Tuesday, September 13, 2016

"Once gender parity became the criterion for equality, group achievement rather than equal protection became the goal."

Where feminism went wrong | Washington Examiner: ""The dilemma for contemporary feminists is that although American women have gradually overcome the formal legal and informal cultural barriers that previously prevented them from participating in certain occupations and professions, this achievement has not led to statistical parity between the sexes in all areas of social, economic, and political life...

"The conviction that behavioral characteristics typically associated with females and males result entirely from arbitrary social and cultural norms and that true equality will manifest itself in statistical parity has had a dramatic influence on contemporary feminists' understanding of rights and the role of government in protecting rights," Villegas wrote. "Once gender parity became the criterion for equality, group achievement rather than equal protection of individual rights and opportunity became the goal." This is in contrast to first-wave feminists, Villegas wrote, who referred to the Constitution in their bid for equal rights. They also approached their movement from a limited-government stance."

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