
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Training - "We will all die. We will all be in a lot of pain. It's all coming our way... it's part of life. But in the meantime, you might as well be a fucking savage... and train like a motherfucker."

9/30 - press [PR 170, w/belt], chins, dips, db press/pike pushup, alt db curls, speed bag

"If there's one thing that I believe wholeheartedly it's environment is stronger than will. And the illusion in our head is that our will trumps environment... if you are around a bunch of positive athletes, you become a positive athlete. If you're around a bunch of unhealthy shitbags, you become an unhealthy shitbag. In spite of your will. Your will is what tricks you into thinking you'll be different. Once you're aware of that, your will is what gives you the chance to change environments. And then your life follows with change afterwards."

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