
Sunday, May 17, 2015

"It's about the questions, not the answers."


  1. Didn't even know there was a female Question (shows how out of the DC loop I am - haven't read it since Denny O'Neil's no dialogue days). Saw Avengers 2 and loved it. Read Kirkman's Outcast trade, it's ok - not great, but not terrible either. Have you read it? Cheers

  2. Haven't read Outcast, no... Age of Ultron was excellent, I thought. Big fan of O'Neil's Question as well. The Question here inherited the mantle back in DC's 52 series [05, 06?] Greg Rucka handled the bulk of her appearances, very much in the vein of O'Neil. She's been absent in the New52, but the "Convergence" event is playing with the timelines/multiverse. Either way, this was an excellent read.

  3. Are the new Question stories collected in a graphic novel? Picked up 2nd 100 Bullets trade paperback, it's a fantastic story complemented by Risso's wonderful, inventive panels. Highly recommended if you haven't read it

    1. 52 Volumes 1-4 by Waid, Johns, Rucka & Morrison for the origin of the new Question and the passing of the mantle from Vic. Then The Question: Five Books of Blood & The Question: Pipeline, both by Rucka. Predating 52 is also Batman & Huntress: Cry for Blood which has Rucka writing a very O'Neilesque Vic Sage. With an appearance by Richard Dragon, to boot. I read, I think, the first 4 volumes of 100 Bullets years ago, but found it couldn't sustain my interest after the first couple. Though I loved the concept. I may have to revisit it.

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  5. Thanks for the Question info, I've put them on my list (which is getting way too long, lol). I like what Rucka is doing with Lazarus. FYI: only halfway through volume 2 of 100 Bullets so I may encounter the same thing you did. Maybe stretching it to 100 issues was a mistake?
