
Thursday, March 21, 2013


3/21 - P90X2 D32 Shoulders + Arms & X2 Ab Ripper -- Russian Pullup Program 18/16/14/12/12 -- glute bridge 3x30

"Your physical stature is a direct result of the food your parents fed you growing up and your level of physical activity.  That's called nurture, motherfuckers, not nature.  If you suck, it's because your parents trained you to do so and you decided to continue on the path they chose for you. 

...greatness is earned by a will to power; a will to surpass one's humanity; a will to become the übermensch.  No fancy program is necessary, no incremental progression will lead to greatness, and no amount of conversation about it will do a motherfucking thing.   Stop talking and start doing.  Will yourself to power."

Inspiring/Ridiculous/Awesome Conditioning.

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