
Monday, July 18, 2011

"...When we're absorbing their paranoid, hysterical vision of the world in constant crisis we should never forget just how much coffee, alcohol, Red Bull and cocaine is consumed by incredibly stressed-out workers in the media industries."

Grant Morrison gives great interviews. Go click over to read in full. Now. Seriously.

Exclusive: Interview with Grant Morrison & Signed Supergods Giveaway | comicbookGRRRL:
"...When we're absorbing their paranoid, hysterical vision of the world in constant crisis we should never forget just how much coffee, alcohol, Red Bull and cocaine is consumed by incredibly stressed-out workers in the media industries.
... The Flash is an actual representation of the same state of consciousness the Greeks personified as Hermes and the Vikings called Odin. The quicksilver mercurial quality of a mind possessed and enthused by language has traditionally been represented by a swift messenger god, a scribe, a magician, a trickster. The Flash is Hermes is Thoth is Nabu is Language, or if you prefer, Information.

...The power of words, or of stories in particular, is the main theme of Supergods and it should be taken seriously. As I point out at the end, the US military is currently developing the idea of 'counter-narrative strategies' or stories designed to undermine the scripts that drive terrorists or other enemies. We know that medical placebos work along the same lines and that hypnosis is effective so why not assume that the often nihilistic and despairing stories we tell ourselves are having a big impact on how we feel, how we live, and on the art that we create to make sense of it all. And proceeding from that, it seems only sensible to look into intelligently deploying counter-narratives that suggest exit strategies from the howling existential extinction void, perhaps using ideas we created for the specific purpose of saving the world in emergencies…i.e. superhero stories?"

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