
Monday, July 18, 2011


Completed a full round of P90X as of yesterday - a 13 week program finished in 14 weeks, that extra week due to traveling & tweaking my schedule due to a family emergency.  Had started P90X twice before and either burned out/dropped out or got injured.  Nice to actually finish something and remember what a 'sense of accomplishment' feels like.  Caveats... didn't follow the prescribed dietary recommendations - followed my own low carb-ish/paleo-ish/primal-ish plan, which works really well for me when I stick to it... the last few weeks the use of junk foods and alcohol as a stress release/coping mechanism has been rearing its ugly head a bit too much, so I need to reign that back in...  I also adjusted the yoga workouts as described here.  

Results on P90X - lost 16 pounds, 3 inches off waist measurement
Results YTD [year to date, since Jan 1] - lost 30 pounds, 6 inches off waist measurement

Plan on doing another round on P90X, but not immediately.  Have a week until the Mrs rejoins me stateside for her vacation, so the plan/goals for the next five weeks is to mix it up a bit with no structured workouts but adhering to the following:
  1. PT 6x a week, minimum.  Each workout to focus on either strength, conditioning or flexibility.  Preferably, AM workouts/1st thing in the morning.
  2. Continue to log my food.  Attention and thoughtfulness to what you're actually shoving down the piehole is key.  Curb the use of food/alcohol as a coping mech/stress release.  Indulge on vacation without overindulging - a fine line.  Make the bulk of all meals low carb/paleo/primal.

Following vacation either another round of P90X or using the Body For Life protocols - which is really just a 'Bodybuilding 101' type workout + HIIT - to mix it up and because I've had decent results from it in the past.  
End of Year Goals
  • Lose another 24 pounds, 2 inches off waistline
  • Flexibility Goals - full lotus, side splits
  • Mindset/Psychology Goal - [most important, really] - Continuously Raise Standards.  Progress has been good so far, but in the past this has led to complacency and backsliding.  "Adequate" is not good enough.  "Not being a huge fatass" is not the goal.  Having a strong, lean, fit, flexible, durable and attractive body is the goal.  Push limitations.  Expect more of myself.  Demand I follow through.  

7/18 - Rest/Free/Off
7/17 - P90X D91/Final Day - X Stretch
Bas Rutten MMA Workout - Boxing - Shadowboxing 5x3m rounds
7/16 - P90X D90 - Yoga - Tony Horton One on One 'Patience Hummingbird' routine
Bas Rutten MMA Workout - Boxing - Shadowboxing 5x3m rounds
7/15 - P90X D89 - Yoga - Tony Horton One on One 'Patience Hummingbird' routine
Upper Body Weight Circuit - 3x Clean & Press/Curl/Tricep DB X - Finishers [forearms] light weight/high rep deadlifts & lying lower back extensions
Bas Rutten MMA Workout - Boxing - Shadowboxing 5x2m rounds - Heavybag 5x2m rounds - Thai Boxing - Shadowboxing 5x2m rounds - Heavybag 5x2m rounds
7/14 - P90X D88 - Core Synergistics
Bas Rutten MMA Workout - Boxing - Shadowboxing 5x2m rounds - Heavybag 5x2m rounds - Thai Boxing - Shadowboxing 5x2m rounds - Heavybag 5x2m rounds
7/13 - P90X D85 - Core Synergistics
7/12 - P90X D86 - Kenpo X
7/11 - P90X D84 - Rest/Free/Off
Bas Rutten MMA Workout - Boxing - Shadowboxing 5x2m rounds - Heavybag 8x2m rounds 

Inspiring/Motivating - - Michelle Dropped The Ice Cream Habit And Built A Fit Body!

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