
Saturday, April 23, 2011

The most liberal candidate for 2012 is - wait for it - a Republican.

At least unless Dennis Kucinich gets in again.

Anti-war, pro-choice, pro-marijuana legalization, pro-gay rights, as governor ran a budget surplus, work visa proponent/no border fence...  Closest, on the right, to Ron Paul, but actually better, imho, on immigration and abortion issues.  And just as strong as the better known Paul on civil liberties, social freedoms, limited government, budgetary issues and scaling back the imperial/war economy and culture.

Known for stance on pot, former NM Gov. Johnson readies presidential bid -
"He’s running for the Republican presidential nomination on a platform that calls for withdrawals from Afghanistan and Iraq — a position that’s anathema to the party’s ruling class. He also supports abortion rights and, most controversially, favors legalizing marijuana...

He claims the biggest threat to U.S. security is the nation’s debt, and to show how serious he is about fighting it, he says Rep. Paul Ryan’s (R-Wis.) proposed budget actually isn’t serious enough.

“It takes too long, and only get us a quarter of where we should be many years down the road,” he said.

That puts Johnson to the economic right of his other 2012 rivals, but he’s to their left on social issues, which could give him trouble in the Iowa and South Carolina primaries, where there is a heavy evangelical voter base.

...He’s an avid triathlete who’s finished the Hawaii Iron Man five times. He’s also climbed Mount Everest."

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