
Monday, March 21, 2011


Still fighting off some kind of head cold sinus thing I seem to have picked up during vacation... but told myself I'd get right back at it after vacation, so there it is.  So I just sucked it up and ground it out, as half-assed as it may have ended up.  Felt less than stellar before, and absolutely nauseous after, but the "during" - thanks be to endorphins - was pretty nice.

Rutten MMA wkout - 10x2m rounds - boxing
P90X Chest & Back; Abs

During vacation, at least for the first 4-5 days or so I managed to do at least a little something everyday, but by week two all that was all over.  So in the interest of completeness, here 'tis -
3/6 - Rutten MMA wkout - boxing - 10x2m rounds, dislocates/hip thrusts/chest pulls/hyperex/chins
3/7 - Dislocates/chest pulls/pull aparts/pushups/wall squat
3/9 - Rutten MMA wkout - boxing - 10x2m rounds, dislocates/chest pulls/calf raises
3/10 - Rutten MMA wkout - thai boxing - 10x2m rounds, pushups, dislocates, chest pulls
3/11 - Rutten MMA wkout - boxing - 3x3m rounds, pushups/hindu squats

Inspiring over 40 Transformation - - Juanita Lost 38 Pounds And Went On To Compete

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