
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Evil - Soldiers kill civilians, take trophy photos in Afghanistan.

More at the link, including a sample photo.  Unbelievable.  Soldiers currently on trial.

Photos show US soldiers in Afghanistan posing with dead civilians | World news | The Guardian:
"...a young US soldier, grins at the camera, his hand holding up the head of the dead and bloodied youth he and his colleagues have just killed in an act military prosecutors say was premeditated murder.

Moments before the picture was taken in January last year, the unsuspecting victim had been waved over by a group of US soldiers who had driven to his village in Kandahar province in one of their armoured Stryker tanks.

According to testimony collected by Der Spiegel magazine the boy had, as a matter of routine, lifted up his shirt to reveal that he was not hiding a suicide bomb vest.

That was the moment Morlock, according to a pre-arranged plan, threw a grenade at the boy that exploded while other members of the rogue group who called themselves the 'kill team' opened fire.

They would later tell military investigators that the boy, a farmer's son, had threatened them with the grenade..."

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