
Thursday, March 03, 2011

So much this - "Sheen is rebelling against the super-conformist modern narrative of weak individuals who need to be saved by psycho-priests."

Charlie Sheen: Bi-Polar D-Bag or Szaszian Hero? - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine:
"He’s my hero because he refuses to allow his behaviour to be psychologised. He refuses to genuflect before the Oprahite altar of psychobabble and blame his antics on his “inner demons”. Instead he’s fighting like a terrier against experts’ attempts to brand him as “disordered” and in the process has made himself into a one-man army of resistance to the tyranny of therapy that has the twenty-first-century in its grip.

...Sheen is rebelling against the super-conformist modern narrative of weak individuals who need to be saved by psycho-priests. They won’t forgive him for this.
I very much fall into the Szaszian camp (named after Thomas Szasz, Reason contributor and great critic of psychiatry) that psychological terms are often used to stigmatize annoying and non-conforming people rather than convey scientifically valid insights."
Sure, it was funny before.  Hypocrites.

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