
Thursday, March 03, 2011

Of course - "Synthetic marijuana widely used at Naval Academy, some midshipmen say."

In other news, many con lockers will have illegal, half-full bottles of Kahlua hidden at the bottom under a pile of clothes. Wait. That might have been just me.

Synthetic marijuana widely used at Naval Academy, some midshipmen say:
"A synthetic form of marijuana is widely used at the U.S. Naval Academy because it cannot be detected in routine drug tests, according to several former midshipmen who have been removed from campus for using or possessing the substance.

Since its introduction at the academy last year, synthetic marijuana has become popular among rank-and-file midshipmen and on the football and wrestling teams, the former midshipmen said. Some isolated corners of the historic Annapolis campus, they said, have become well-known gathering spots for smoking it.

Synthetic marijuana is an herbal potpourri sprayed with chemicals that, when smoked, produces mood-altering effects. It is illegal in at least 12 states, although not in Maryland, and is prohibited in the U.S. military, including at its service academies."

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