
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Nippon Natsukashii - 10 days in Japan.

Having realized that there are only a few folks who might be reading this who don't have access to either 1) all my pics on Picasa Web Albums, or 2) is a Facebook friend - combined with the prospect of blogging the hundreds of pics I took while in Japan for 10 days while still fighting both a cold/sinus thing and my own tendency to procrastinate...  I've decided to post up a link to the Facebook photo album I made of my trip.  It's abbreviated, but hits the high points and gives you more than enough of the flavor of what I've actually been doing the past couple weeks.

So here's the link, which should be accessible to anybody, even if you don't have a Facebook account - Nippon Natsukashii - 10 days in Japan - Facebook Photo Album

Plus a couple other of my fave pics from the trip, not in the FB album [or collaged really small] or just because they're awesome...

Tonkatsu ramen = maybe my favorite Japanese dish.

Kids dig me, cause we share the same emotional maturity level.

Chocolate beer and Asahi Super Dry.  C'mon, you know that's cool.

Jr High Graduates.  Made of Awesome.  Filled with win.

Graduation Uber Bento.

Miyajidake Shrine.

Bachan rocking her Liberian country cloth.

Good people I'm lucky to know.

New family TV.  Watching kickboxing from Holland, with Japanese commentary, natch.

Genki Bachan still taking stairs like a champ.

When you start showing signs of sickness, it's easier to just go along with the strange Japanese customs rather than trying to fight it.

Obligatory winter uniform for women in Fukuoka - jacket, unreasonably short skirt, boots.  Other acceptable and frequently observed substitutions include - short shorts, short skirt with tights and jeans so tight as to not be believed.  It's only a small exaggeration to say you can see more skin on the streets of Fukuoka during the winter than on the beach in the summer.  Because they avoid the sun, and a tan, like it's the plague.  Crazysexycool.

Japan is just too delicious sometimes.

How could I not love this job?  Seriously?

I mean, seriously!?!?

"You like me.  You really like me!"

Kaitenzushi aftermath.  

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