
Monday, February 28, 2011

The week in food.

Nutrition/culinary log.
First up, prepped for the Mrs, above.  Four day work week and a BBQ @the Ambassador's on Friday, so not a lot of cooking.  Nor particularly creative.  Standard salads and such, though I do like the broccoli and cheese soup.  And the egg&cheese pie thingamabob - if there's no crust, is it still a quiche?  Dunno, but there it is.

For me, on point for the most part, M-F at least.  I keep losing the plot thread on the weekends, this weekend in particular.  A BBQ at the Ambassador's on Friday combined with actual Ben & Jerry's at the grocery store conspired to flummox me.  Evil bastards.  So the weekend was pretty much a disaster as far as staying on point.

Ironically [?] combined with my inability to stick with my plan 7 days a week, a bunch of supplements I ordered came in.  Not starting in on them in full till I get back from Nippon in a couple weeks, as I'm surely not packing all these up in my luggage to take halfway across the world.

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