
Sunday, December 05, 2010

The Wisdom of Dennis O’Neil.

Excerpts from the esteemed writer & comic creator's old ComicMix column.

Morality and such, by Dennis O’Neil - ComicMix news:
"...people use the word “immoral” when they mean something like, “I really, really don’t like this.”"
Dennis O'Neil: Heroes and Villains - ComicMix news:
"I once heard Garrison Keillor ask, forlornly, whatever happened to the old men in brown suits who knew what to do. The answer is, they never existed. But people thought they did."
Nudity and the Editorial Process, by Dennis O’Neil - ComicMix news:
"Father does not always know best and either does Mother. Like generals, they’re fighting old wars and kids are caught in new wars, which means the kids have to find their own way, which is a process of experimentation, which means that Junior and Pops can’t and shouldn’t march in lock step..."
The Evolution of the Superhero, by Dennis O’Neil - ComicMix news:
" a universe that is essentially absurd, in a civilization in which civic leaders are not to be trusted, an individual has to create his own meaning which involves, among other things, creating a personal code of behavior..."

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