
Saturday, December 04, 2010

Fellow ex-pats flaunt fried chicken, induce gluttony.

Embassy related folks partook of Monrovia's new restaurant, Monroe's Chicken, see here.  Which forced - literally forced - me to search it out today for dinner.  So very good.  Southern raised as I am, fried chicken is my kryptonite.  Well, one of them at least.  [See, also: the internet, books, comics, whiskey, chocolate, rum... I could go all day, people.]
Wish I'd have taken the camera out today, because the restaurant is a nice little setup.  Next time.  Except they deliver, so I may never have to leave the house again.
Bonus points for the restaurant's slogan - "The Love of Chicken Brought Us Here."  Which is made of awesome because Liberia's national slogan is "The Love of Liberty Brought Us Here."  Which, you know, they established once arriving in West Africa and subjugating the local populace.  But I digress.  
Bottom line: awesome.