
Thursday, November 04, 2010

US Embassy Norway busted.

Spying in embassies?  Shocking.

Via Google Translate and US embassy commissioned illegal surveillance of Norwegian citizens - Boing Boing
"TV 2 News tonight reveals that a secret intelligence group in Oslo on behalf of the United States has systematically monitored the Norwegians for over ten years.

Among the Norwegian monitors are several former police tops and ex-employees from the Police Security Service has been paid by the Americans.

...According to the newspaper would Johansen and two other former colleagues have been working as security advisors at the U.S. embassy. Here they had the responsibility to build up the civil guard, recorded security missions and worked to strengthen ties between the PST and American intelligence services, primarily the CIA.

Johansson confirmed that he worked for the embassy, but stood seven years ago surprised the link between his own and two colleagues at the embassy's involvement and the close relations between the PST and the CIA..."
US Embassy in surveillance scandal / News / The Foreigner — Norwegian News in English.:
"...Minister of Justice Knut Storberget claims he was not aware of the SDU’s undercover activity until yesterday.

However, Philip J. Crowley, assistant secretary and the US Department of State in Washington, confirms it took place, and that was in cooperation with Norwegian authorities."

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