
Monday, November 15, 2010

Monrovia's other sushi place.

So we hit the Barracuda Bar at Mamba Point Hotel a few weeks ago, and last Friday we hit Monrovia's other sushi restaurant - its original, apparently - The Royal Hotel Sushi Restaurant.  Presentation is a draw and I thought the quality of the food was about even [it's all pretty much imported, wherever you go] though Sandy likes the spicy tuna salad dish at the Royal, so that's a wash.  But in terms of atmosphere, location and service - Barracuda beats out the Royal on all counts, imho.  But still, you gotta love that in a country without an electrical grid, operable sewer systems, more than a handful of paved roads and no real infrastructure - I have not one, but two sushi restaurants to hit up when I start missing Japan.

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