
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

First Marine Corps Ball in 12 years.

"Just when I thought I was out... they pull me back in." - Godfather III - Michael Corleone/Al Pacino

Never thought I'd be at another of these again, but as long as the Mrs keeps with the new career path, and embassies are guarded around the globe by Marines, apparently it's back in the rotation.

Waiting for our room.  Liberian customer service leaves a bit to be desired.


Good with the bad... at Liberia's finest hotel - missing light bulbs.  Hmm.

Not quite.  But good try.


Obligatory arms-reach photo.

Cheesy, thy name is I.

Double fisting, like a champ.  [Okay, one is for someone else.]

Whereas I order 1 - ONE - drink and they give me two.  Apparently, I look like a person who needs two.

It's odd, how deep the conditioning runs.  4 years USNA, 5 years USMC, and when the music plays and they march on the colors, I do get a little tingle.  Of course, I also went to a Catholic school where they ran the flag up and did the Pledge of Allegiance and sang the Marine Corps Hymn daily.  How I emerged even relatively unscathed is a mystery to all.

Koji, the koi fish ring.  [My wife is special.]

Tasty food was tasty.

Hair up to begin the dance portion of our evening.

Synchronized dance - has to be the Japanese genes in her.  I think this was the "Electric Slide," of all things.


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