
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

"For many people, the reason that they're idiots is... that they got into a terrible pattern very early in life..." - Joe Rogan on Dumb People & Negative Energy

"...and they have become a dumb fuck... And they live with a bunch of other dumb fucks and they get a bunch of this negative energy all the time... all your energy is being diverted towards conflicts... that's why it's so important to not have negative people in your life... It's very difficult to learn how to be a person... You need to have time to think and pay attention... when you have shitheads in your life... when you do that, you will fuck yourself...  That is an energy vampire..."

And this got put to video. Win.
"And if you attach yourself and your mind to any ideology, you're gonna be on a road, and that road may or may not lead you in a good direction, but you're gonna stay on that fucking road if you're attached to an ideology. And it could be a terrible road... regardless of rational thinking... They adapted a predetermined pattern of behavior that makes life so much more simpler. And that's what every fucking religion is... The problem is no one knows. You CAN NOT know... But when you start yelling and ranting that other people have to follow your lead or the fucking world's gonna end... I know you're full of shit and you know you're full of shit... nonsense that helps scared, lonely, sad people who lock on to that nonsense so they feel like they're a part of something. I mean that's what it is, it preys on people who's lives fucking suck. So it's all nuts. It's not like "your shit's cool" and "my shit's not." And it's not that yoga's the answer or fucking mushrooms are the answer, there's just questions... What is the the best way to live your life? There's gotta be ways you can be putting forth the most positive energy... the right path to be a healthy, happy person is all the shit we already know how to do... the first thing is to [what] makes them healthy... step two - be cool to people... be as nice as you can... what else? Do what you wanna do with your life..."

Bonus:  "We need something..."

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